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CCTV at Island Villas

2005.11.19 01:55 조회:2,782
아일랜드 빌라 (리뷰 보기)가 보안 강화를 위해 CCTV 설치 했답니다.

balisurf.net photobalisurf.net photo

다음은 매니저한테 온 전문입니다.

Dear Our Partners,

Pleased to inform you that Bali Island Villas security system at the present completed with CCTV camera.

We install 4 CCTV cameras located at Lobby main entrance (camera 1), corridor (camera 3&4) and staff walk way
(camera 2) this monitor will running 24 hours and recorded. Please up date your data base accordingly.

Thank You
General Manager