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zeepmam Lv.25
2013.02.09 02:41 댓글:1 조회:1,087
BAWA Website
E-news February 2013
Dear Yu,

We have been extremely busty in 2013. We have responded many calls to help animals in need and our clinic is almost at capacity. Despite being so very busy we have been so very heartened by our supporters responses to our needs, from donations to giving us wish list gifts - and even a new motor bike ambulance.

We need your ongoing support to continue making a difference. This Valentines Day please consider sharing some love with the animals of Bali.


Best wishes,

Janice Girardi and the BAWA team


'Airway' Dogs Saved by BAWA

Saved from slaughterWarning; you may find linked images and descriptions disturbing
A few weeks ago BAWA made a dramatic rescue of dogs that were being transported to a dog meat restaurant (known locally as 'Airway or RW'). After an extremely tense night of negotiating, our brave staff managed to rescue the dogs from their terrible fate.

Since the rescue, the dogs have been recovering and recuperating from the physical and emotional trauma in our clinic. Our staff and volunteers have been working extremely hard to rehabilitate the saved dogs, in what will be a long road to recovery.

Read the full story here


Wishlist Donations

Deirdre and KathleenBringing essential supplies is a great way to support BAWA. In fact, that's just what BAWA supporters Dierdre and Kathleen did - filling their suitcases to the brim with supplies and delivering it safely to our shop.

We rely solely on donations from our kind supporters. We'd like to thank everyone who's donated items to us this month.

If you're in Bali or coming our way, why not take a look at our latest wishlist?

See BAWA's current Wishlist here


Billy's New Home

You may have read the story of Billy back in October, who came to BAWA with a bad leg injury after being hit by a car.


We saved Billy's life, but couldn't save his leg and we had to amputate.

After making a full recovery at BAWA's clinic, we found Billy a new home with his Balinese owner.

Pak Tilem fell in love with Billy as soon as he saw him. To Pak Tilem, it didn't matter that Billy had 3 legs.

Pak is one of many Balinese animal lovers, who encourage their whole communities to treat animals with care.

Read about Billy's new home



Puppies Galore

2013 has brought many new lives into the world.

See our animals for adoption

Unfortunately, many puppies and kittens become separated from their mums.

The pups require constant care just to keep them alive.

We managed to find new lactating foster mums to look after some, whilst we continue to care for others.

We're still looking for homes for many pups (permanent or temporary), so if you can help, please get in touch!

See our animals for adoption


Last month we...

Sterilized 52 dogs and 11 cats

Responded to over 260 emergency ambulance call outs

Brought 60 dogs and 20 cats into our clinic for vet care

Found new homes for 30 rehabilitated animals

Lily's Motor Ambulance

We're pleased to announce our new motorbike ambulance has arrived!

BAWA's Sake with the new ambulance

With so many calls to help animals, we were struggling to keep up.

A special thank you goes to BAWA supporter Georgia, who paid for the purchase of the bike in memory of her beloved Lily.

We'd also thank Australian supporters The Interview Group, who are supporting operational costs, in memory of their Buddy Brown.

Find out more about our Lily's Motorbike Ambulance


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Spread the Word


Office: (+62) 0361 977217
Hotline: (+62) 0811389004

  제가 발리갈때마다 우붓을 가려는 이유중하나가 이곳을 방문하려는 이유에서 인데요.. 
  워낙 개,고양이 같은 네발에 털달린 아이들을 좋아라해서기도 하지만 특히나 발리 개들을 보면 보살핌을 받지 못하는것 같아
  안쓰러움이 크더라구요 .  
  저두 커피값 몇잔 , 밥값 조금 , 왠만한 곳은 걸어다니며 택시비 아껴 우붓 갈때마다 이곳에 들러 기부를 하고 온답니다.
  뭐.. 발리까지 가서 저래야되냐?? 싶으신 분들도 있겠지만 반려동물과 생활하시는 분들은 이해해주실꺼에요 
  그래서 염치 불구하고 발리서프 회원님께도 동참 부탁 드리려구요 ..
  우붓을 가시거나 관광하시는 회원님들 ~~ 
  우붓에는 미술관, 독특한 쇼핑샵 , 이쁜 카페만 있는게 아니랍니다 !!! 
  이런곳도 있으니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다 ~~

  몽키 포레스트 근처에 위치해있구요 .. 약간의 기부?? 까지 하신다면 우붓 여행이 더 즐거워질듯도 합니다 ~

  혹시 게시글이 문제가 되면 자진삭제 할께욧 !!
  ps . Donate hear 클릭하시면 paypal을 이용한 기부도 가능하답니다 ^^
  • malimali1234 2013.02.15 18:34 추천
    언니...... 나랑 마일리지 나눠쓰자^^
    나도 노랑연필 갖고시포^^ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
    이제 보름후엔 우리의 수다한판이~

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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838 한해를 마무리하며~ [6] malimali1234 12.31 1,300
837 올연말 이런계획이 아니었는데 ㅠㅠ [5] 꼬망 12.31 1,398
836 가이드가필요해서메일을3번이나보냈는데 [5] kity0817 01.02 1,553
835 우리 발리서프 회원님들 모두 새해 복 많이 받으세요^^ [6] ekyoon 01.03 1,652
834 편지-윤동주 [3] 꼬망 01.07 1,117
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832 발리서프넷에 발리 일기예보를 편리하게 알수있는 방법이 없을까요...? [6] 착한바위 01.11 1,572
831 조만간 꼭!꼭!꼭! 발리갈렵니다.. [2] blackwani 01.11 992
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829 가입 인사 앤드 질문드립니다~ [2] nergul01 01.13 982
828 발리에서 여행도 같이하면서 즐거운시간 보내주시분~ [1] rozzang22 01.15 1,131
827 뚠중마스 예약했습니다~ [5] geoblue 01.16 1,551
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824 절~ [6] malimali1234 01.17 1,570
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