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An explosive device was hurled into a group of protesting vendors in front of Klong Toey market early yesterday, wounding 15 vendors, two seriously. 

The attack took place about 1.30am at a tent set up at the Ratchada-Rama IV intersection near the market. 

Vendors have manned a roadblock there since Wednesday in protest against a market development plan by a new developer. 

Police are still checking to discover what type of device it was.

Witnesses said a motorcycle rider threw a plastic bag containing the explosive from a flyover bridge into the protesters as they were listening to a speech. 

Fifteen vendors were wounded, two seriously. 

Penthiwawan Kaewsuk, 37, sustained wounds to her head, while Yakob Lormoh, 51, received wounds to several parts of his body. The blast caused chaos at the protest venue. 

Sujittra Damrongsiriwut, 52, one of the protesters, said about 1,000 vendors had received constant threats by a group of men. She asked why police had not strengthened security for vendors. 

Protesters are unhappy with a company which has won a contract to manage a market area leased from the Port Authority of Thailand (PAT).


태국 수도 방콕시내의 한 재래시장에서 13일 폭탄이 터져 밤샘 농성 중인 상인 등 13명이 부상했다. 태국 경찰은 이날 오전 1시께(현지시간) 방콕 시내 끄렁떠이 재래시장에서 임대료 인상에 항의하며 밤샘 농성 중인 수백명의 상인들을 향해 오토바이를 탄 괴한이 나타나 폭탄을 던져 13명이 부상했으며 이중 2명은 생명이 위독하다고 밝혔다.

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