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자유 게시판
2010.01.19 09:43 댓글:3 조회:1,935
hi....nice to meet you everyone..^^

im travel alone now...yes all the time alon go to travel...~~~
and alreday ubut and sanur...its been almost 2weeks..
my holiday is 1month.
now im popis2 near benesar street BENEASA hotel...it so nice swimming pool and cheap room just90.000 aday including breakfast....

anyway....yesterday i saw the lombok picture...especially gill and gillimenok is really really really beautiful...^^
so....im gong to go there...

is anybody want to go there together//.....? if you want ... share room rate and....so...on...

lets dring bintang together..in kuta anyway....

have a nice day~~^^ aha...im woman...but dring together good boy...noproblem...haha^^