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2007.04.19 13:01 조회:2,905
인도네시아 각종 원조 단체들을 잘 정리해 놓은 리스트입니다.
발리서프 회원들이 도움을 주고 있는 YKIP도 있네요.

원문은 다음 링크를 참조하시면 됩니다.

The world gets better every day, then worse again in the evening

As a developing nation, Indonesia has become a bastion for NGOs (non government organizations). Bali is no exception. Since the bombing, numerous aid organizations have moved in to assist Bali with its economic recovery. Below is a list of various NGOs (non government organizations) which are working to help Bali in a sustainable way. Please contact them directly to get more information.

The situation in Aceh remains urgent

The Critical Phase in Aceh is Far From Over... Many Survivors Have Not Yet Been Helped.
You Can Still Help Aceh.
Donate your time, experience or money to the organizations below. Help Indonesia help itself!

Sumatran Orangutan Society – S.O.S Alert – Help save the Sumatran Orangutans!

Sumatran Orangutan Society – S.O.S Alert – Help save the Sumatran Orangutans! Set up to help rehabilitate domesticated orangutans and protect the Leuser Ecosystem – home to a great number of endangered species including tigers and many rare fauna and flora from deforestation. We are currently protesting against the plant to build six roads through this national park... help us by signing the online petition at www.thepetitionsite.com or email the Sumatran Orangutan Society or visit our website www.orangutans-sos.org
Aceh Tsunami Disaster
How you can help Aceh
How YOU can help!
Deliver intelligent direct assistance to Aceh,
through IDEP's network
of NGOs in Sumatra.
See www.idepfoundation.org
for information about donations & volunteering.
Threads Of Life
Sustaining Indonesia's
Traditional Textile Arts
bali traditional textile arts
Traditional Textile Arts
Classes and Workshops
Daily in Ubud
details here

SOS Taruna Village Bali – SOS-Kinderdorf Bali Tabanan

SOS Taruna Village Bali – SOS-Kinderdorf Bali Tabanan We, SOS-Kinderdorf, are a foster home. At the moment we are caring for 360 less fortunate children. Because of our limited resources, we need your assistance in order to provide proper care and education for our foster children. We urgently need support for:
  • Materials
  • Money
  • English language volunteer teachers
  • Teachers of practical skills
For more information, please contact us at:
Bantas, Kec. Selemadeg Timur, Kab. Tabanan 82162 Bali
Tel: +62 0361 241847 / 7426975, email

Panti Asuhan Salam – Children's Orphanage

Panti Asuhan Salam – Children's Orphanage To the north-west of Ubud, en route to Tanah Lot temple you will find Salam orphanage. The orphanage is home to 28 boys and 17 girls aged from 6-18 years of age. The children are provided food, shelter, education and love. They are taught to be self reliant and to help others. The facility accepts children from all religions and respects the children's beliefs. The children now study music, dance and painting.

School takes place outside the center or visit our website www.carryforkids.org/schools/bali/salam.html

VIBE – Volunteers and Interns for Balinese Education

VIBE – Volunteers and Interns for Balinese Education VIBE is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing equal educational opportunities for Indonesian children and adults living in Bali. The program provides training and placement for volunteers to teach English in rural communities in Bali. In addition to teaching English in classrooms, we have a number of other volunteer positions in several developing projects, such as: teacher-training & environmental programs, curriculum design, and office management. Working with the VIBE is a unique opportunity to experience life in Bali, share your expertise, and contribute to a very important educational goal. Pride in our volunteers is the foundation of our project and its success.

Tel: +62 0361 977682, Fax: +62 0361 981504, email or visit our website www.vibefoundation.org

Yayasan Bumi Sehat – Healthy Mother Earth Foundation – Nyuh Kuning, Ubud

Yayasan Bumi Sehat – Healthy Mother Earth Foundation – Nyuh Kuning, Ubud Gentle Births for a Peaceful Future! Yayasan Bumi Sehat is an organization of committed families and international teachers, midwives, doctors, nurses and volunteers working to advocate for the reproductive rights of marginalized, low-income women throughout Bali. In Bali we are achieving a higher standard of maternal and child health through culturally sensitive prenatal & postpartum birth services and through the support of breast feeding. Our goal is conflict resolution and peace building, one mother, one baby, and one family at a time.

Tel: +62 361 972732 or 08179757522, email or visit our website www.gentlebirthsbali.org

Bali Hati Foundation – Andong, Ubud

Bali Hati Foundation – Andong, Ubud Established in 1997, The Bali Hati Project is a private non-profit organization providing educational opportunities & community programs for Balinese children. The profits from Spa Hati fund the kindergarten and elementary school.

Tel: 0361 979056, email or visit our website www.balihati.org

EcoTrainers – Practical Solutions for a Clean Green Planet – by Yayasan IDEP

EcoTrainers – Practical Solutions for a Clean Green Planet – by Yayasan IDEP Eco-Friendly Solutions in waste management & Recycling, organic gardening, and Environmentally friendly pest management and cleaning solutions.

Through this program, Eco Trainers works with households, businesses, hotels, restaurants, and schools on how to: separate, recycle and manage wastes, establish and maintain a compost system, start an organic kitchen garden, and/or how to use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Our practical, hands-on workshops are custom designed to the needs of the client. In addition, Eco-Trainers also offers environmentally friendly "green" products including organic herb and vegetable seedlings, gardening tools and products, natural pest control, and environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Tel: 0361 981504, email or visit our website Eco Trainers – on idepfoundation.org

IDEP – Indonesian Development of Education & Permaculture Foundation

IDEP – Indonesian Development of Education & Permaculture Foundation Helping Bali Recover with Micro Finance Programs, Environmental Education, Waste Recycling & Management, sustainable development with permaculture...

Visit our website www.idepfoundation.org

INFORMIndonesian Forest and Media Campaign

INFORMIndonesian Forest and Media Campaign Working hard to stop the pillaging of the Indonesian Rain Forest through the Media, INFORM diluncurkan sebagai tanggapan atas makin kritis dan terancamnya keadaaan hutan Indonesia. INFORM berusaha untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat akan kondisi kritis hutan dan keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat luas, individu-individu, dan para pembuat kebijakan baik di tingkat nasional, propinsi maupun kabupaten. Kampanye INFORM dilaksanakan oleh Konsorsium INFORM yang terdiri dari enam organisasi konservasi yaitu Conservation International (CI) Indonesia, Yayasan WWF Indonesia, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), BirdLife Indonesia, The Nature Conservancy Indonesia, dan Fauna and Flora International (FFI) Indonesia Program.

INFORM Information Center
Jl Taman Margasatwa No. 61, Jakarta 12540
Tel: 021 - 7800 280, Fax: 021 - 7800 265, email or visit our website www.inform.or.id

Bali Crisis Care – Lovina, Bali

Bali Crisis Care – Lovina, Bali Dusun Lebah, Kaliasem,
Lovina, Bali 811521

Email: balicrisiscare@hotmail.com
Phone: +62 (0)362 422 86
Mobile: +62 (0)81 2377 4649, or visit our website www.balicrisiscare.org

Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi

Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi The Humanitarian Foundation for Mother Earth was created by a group of individuals, both Indonesian and expatriate, who were directly involved in different areas at the Sanglah hospital in the first traumatic days after the Bali bombing of October 12th, 2002.

In the ensuing months since the tragedy, numerous projects in the medical and educational fields have been completed or are still on-going. YKIP is working on the development of long term projects to improve existing medical services, to assist the children of the bomb victims through educational scholarships, and to assist the Balinese community in general. YKIP also acts as a conduit for donors from around the world who would like to help the Balinese. All these works are a tribute to those who were killed or injured in a disaster that changed the lives of so many innocent people.

We believe that YKIP can offer lasting solutions and anticipate the demands and changing needs of the Balinese community in the future. Our community-based foundation is supported by numerous people who live in Bali (Balinese, Indonesian and expatriates) and helped by donations from organizations and well-wishers from all over the world.

For more information please visit our website: www.ykip.org

Threads of Life Foundation Threads of Life Foundation

Threads of Life Foundation The Threads of Life Foundation is a U.S. non-profit organization dedicated to sustaining the textile arts of Indonesia and the cultural heritage these arts express. The Foundation is a funding body for the Yayasan Pecinta Budaya Bebali foundation and other non-profit Indonesian organizations working in community development focused on the traditional textile arts. To participate in workshops or to donate to the foundation, please see more information on our website.

Email or visit our website www.threadsoflife.com/tolfound.html

Read an article on Endangered Textiles.

The Indonesia Cold Chain project – Creating Opportunities for Indonesian Producers, Importers, and Exporters

The Indonesia Cold Chain project – Creating Opportunities for Indonesian Producers, Importers, and Exporters Headquartered in Bali, The purpose of the project is to establish linkages in the refrigerated chain of distribution from the point of production (farmer, fisherman, etc) to the point of consumption (consumer, processor). The orientation of the project is Eastern Indonesia – from Bali east to Papua, but excluding West Kalimantan. The goal of the project is to facilitate trade in fresh, chilled and frozen agricultural and food products between the islands of the archipelago, and between Indonesia and the world. This trade includes the development of both exports and imports.

For more information visit our website www.indocoldchain.org

the third eye – natural & cultural

The Third Eye "the third eye" is the only free publication in Indonesia to provide information about Indonesian wildlife, conservation projects, local customs, and arts. This monthly newsletter is distributed in Bali and Jakarta, and written in both Indonesian and English. Local NGOs are consulted, and details of their activities are included in each issue. Delivery to your home or office is available each month within Indonesia.

For subscriptions contact us via email

GIVE – Helping People Help Themselves

GIVE – Helping People Help Themselves GIVE operates on the principle that global poverty is best eliminated when people are masters of their own economic destinies. Through entrepreneurship education, support and resources, GIVE helps people from low-income communities build skills, unlock their entrepreneurial potential, and enjoy a vision for their future. GIVE's project to teach entrepreneurship will work with established Indonesian nonprofit organizations, social entrepreneurs, and business groups to manage and promote the initiative through various channels worldwide.

For more information on GIVE, visit our website www.giveindonesia.org

SALAM Children

SALAM Children SALAM Children's Home was established in March 1979 by four independent Christian organizations to provide a way for disadvantaged children in small villages to go to school. These organizations were Saksi, Christian Life Foundation, Ambassadors and Mel Tari Evangelistic Association, forming the acronym SALAM which is an Indonesian word meaning "peace" and "greetings".

A large proportion of SALAM's foundation children were fatherless- in the aftermath of the communist coup in 1965. The vision of the SALAM Founders was to provide a nurturing Christian environment for those children who came out of this situation, with a focus on providing education, but also serving their communities.

email or visit our website www.salambali.com

The East Bali Poverty Project – helping disadvantaged children to help themselves

The East Bali Poverty Project – helping disadvantaged children to help themselves Empowering illiterate and malnourished children through relevant education, improved nutrition and basic stay healthy principles; working to reduce poverty and promote culturally sensitive sustainable development in impoverished rural communities that have little or no choice to alleviate their own plight.

If you would like to make a donation or help in any way please call: +62 (361) 410071 or Fax: +62 (361) 430785, email

The Bali Children's Project – helping disadvantaged young people obtaion an education through individual sponsorship

The Bali Children's Project – helping disadvantaged young people obtaion an education through individual sponsorship The Bali Children’s Project, a non-profit foundation, has been helping disadvantaged young people obtain an education through individual sponsorship for over ten years. BCP is creating a growing number of village kindergartens, and helping with building repairs to schools and the supply of teaching materials. BCP welcomes qualified volunteer teachers.

Email or visit our website www.balichildrensproject.org

Senang Hati Foundation - Bali

Senang Hati Foundation - Bali

Our vision is of a society that welcomes and values the equal participation of people with disabilities. We are working to achieve this by creating programmes to develop self confidence, physical and economic independence, and increasing awareness in the general community of the rights of people with disabilities.

For more information on how you can help, please contact us at:
Jl. Sasi Brata, Br. Tengah, Tampaksiring
Gianyar – Bali, Indonesia
Phone: +62 (0361) 7470718, email or visit our website www.SenangHati.org

Puppy Shelter - Bali

Puppy Shelter - Bali

We are setting up a puppy shelter for young neglected Bali street pups. For the street pups in Bali it really IS a “dogs life” nothing is easy they are neglected , starving , suffering all sorts of parasites and skin diseases.

They are ravished by all conditions, and no home to live in, they are killed to be eaten for dinner.
They spend their young lives hiding in fear, they become flea infested and tick infested the ones which die quickly are lucky, the ones which are flee infested and left to die slowly, suffer greatly with open wounds which are fly blown, they stagger until they drop in filthy gutters.

Puppies need to be loved and nurtured, that’s what this shelter would like to do. The aim is to also give medical attention and a shelter where they will be able to rehabilitate and learn to trust again, attention to sterilization, and education for children. We want to adopt pups to good homes where they will be loved and appreciated.

This is to be an important facility for Bali and to help us to make it a success please contact us telp 7904579, email

List of Articles
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