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2011.07.29 19:51 댓글:4 조회:4,349

 제가 이용하는 비자 에이전시에서 오늘 온 메일입니다.

업데이트된 인도네시아 이민법이라네요.


 Dear ******

We would like to inform you about several new laws and how they may affect you in Indonesia. Immigration (UU No. 6 Tahun 2011) replaces the previous immigration act (UU No. 9 Tahun 1992).

Generally speaking these laws show a desire by the immigration department to make penalties higher for non compliance and remove police from most immigration matters. These laws are official but the supporting details have not been released yet.


The benefit of the New 2011 Regulation is that article 60 and 61 1992 are no longer in effect

UU No. 9 Tahun 1992 Article 60 (Pasal 60):

-       Foreigner who work in Indonesia must report to Police Office where they reside within 30 (thirty) days counted from the stay permit issuing date, otherwise they could be sent to prison for maximum 1 year or penalty charge maximum Rp. 5.000.000.

UU No. 9 Tahun 1992 Article 61 (Pasal 61):

-       Everyone who give overnight stay for Foreigner who visiting Indonesia must report to nearest police office within 24 (twenty four) hour counted from the foreigner arrival, otherwise they could be sent to prison for maximum 1 year or penalty charge maximum Rp. 5.000.000.


New Law
, UU No. 6 Tahun 2011 there is no obligation to process/report to Police Station:

-       Police no longer have authorities to check foreigner about their immigration matters including guests or where foreigners are staying

-       Unless the foreigner in a criminal offence and the police find the foreigner is also in breach of immigration laws then the Police are authorized to investigate and process it without immigration interference.


-       Every foreigner must report to the immigration office if the immigration officer provides a formal letter of  notification requesting a meeting


1992 regulations versus 2011 regulations :

UU No. 9 Tahun 1992 Article 54 (Pasal 54):

-       Article 54 paragraph b mention :

Everybody (include the sponsor) who breaking immigration law or could be sent to prison for maximum 5 (five) years and/ or will be charge for penalty maximum Rp. 25.000.000 (twenty five million rupiah).


New Law,
UU No. 6 Tahun 2011:

-       Article 122 paragraph a mention :

Foreigner who breaking immigration law will be sent to prison for maximum 5 (five) years and penalty charge for maximum of Rp. 500.000.000 (five hundred million rupiah).

-       Article 122 paragraph b mention :

Everybody (include the sponsor) who breaking immigration law will be sent to prison for maximum 5 (five) years and penalty charge for maximum of Rp. 500.000.000 (five hundred million rupiah).

  • 금홍이 2011.07.29 23:07 추천
    일년에 한번씩하는 신고하러 갈때가 됐었는데
    8만 루피아 아꼈네요. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.

    아! 그리고 짧게 여행 오시는분들은 예전 법률로도 숙소에서
    대행하는 거라 신고 의무가 없어져도 실제 영향은 없습니다.
    거주자나 길게 여행 오시면서 집 렌트 하시는 분들이
    신경써야 하는 건데 이제는 경찰에 거주 신고할 필요가 없다네요.
  • danchung 2011.07.30 23:56 추천
    도움이 되었다니 기쁩니다. 늘 발리서프에서 도움만 받았거든요 ~ ^^
  • cleair 2013.04.28 23:30 추천
    누가 해석좀 해주세요 엉엉 ㅠㅠ
  • 발리바다 2013.04.29 00:56 추천
    금홍이님께서 해석한 것이 전부입니다.
    다만 처벌조항을 해석하면 외국인과 스폰서가 이민법을 위반했을 때 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5억루피아 이하의 벌금형에 처한다고 하여 2천5백만루피아에서 20배 인상되었습니다.

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