2008.06.21 09:33
추천:3 댓글:7 조회:1,967
Korean is not available here in singapore lounge in airport.
In kuta, someone seems to use korean, how??? I went to internet room with japanese language.
However, i couldn't. Did I miss something???
I gonna start with english, at first.
My bali trip is 10days and 9nights, which is kind of gift to give myself after hard working and too many stresses.
Actually it's third time, before this, i came here with my older sister, however, this time, i desperately need vacations to make me take a rest and relax, That's why i couldn't wait to arrange my schedule with others, including my sister. I decide in early Jun, and arrived 12,Jun...
That' s how i came in bali alone without no pre-decided schedule or hotel.
By the way, Singapore airline is pretty nice and deserves one of the best airline awards.
For the purpose of relax and price for myself, i used asiana mileage which i've saved around for 6 years with business.
If someone uses mileage(not sure) for airplane, i definately recommend biz. class. which made me feel respcted and and love flight, which kind of feeling, i've never felt in economy..
For your reference, in case of Incheon-Singapore-Denpasar
Biz : 75,000
Economy: 50,000
It's quite acceptable to use biz., isn't it??
It's almost my boarding time, i would better hurry up because i have a horrible, horrible and double fringhtening memory wiht boarding from Incheon..
To be contiued~~~~~
In kuta, someone seems to use korean, how??? I went to internet room with japanese language.
However, i couldn't. Did I miss something???
I gonna start with english, at first.
My bali trip is 10days and 9nights, which is kind of gift to give myself after hard working and too many stresses.
Actually it's third time, before this, i came here with my older sister, however, this time, i desperately need vacations to make me take a rest and relax, That's why i couldn't wait to arrange my schedule with others, including my sister. I decide in early Jun, and arrived 12,Jun...
That' s how i came in bali alone without no pre-decided schedule or hotel.
By the way, Singapore airline is pretty nice and deserves one of the best airline awards.
For the purpose of relax and price for myself, i used asiana mileage which i've saved around for 6 years with business.
If someone uses mileage(not sure) for airplane, i definately recommend biz. class. which made me feel respcted and and love flight, which kind of feeling, i've never felt in economy..
For your reference, in case of Incheon-Singapore-Denpasar
Biz : 75,000
Economy: 50,000
It's quite acceptable to use biz., isn't it??
It's almost my boarding time, i would better hurry up because i have a horrible, horrible and double fringhtening memory wiht boarding from Incheon..
To be contiued~~~~~
부럽네요~ 저도 저를 위한 휴가를 좀 줘야하는데~
예전에 태국갔을때 컴이 한글 안되서 걍 한글패치 받아서 깔아버렸는데요...
그담에 편하게 한글이용...
시간별로 안걸리니 참고하세요.. ㅎㅎㅎ -
넵.. 감사..^^ 담엔,, 갈때 꼭 참고할께요.
드뎌 한국 왔는데,, 싱가폴에 핸펀 두고온거 같아요...
들고간 핸펀,, 엠피쓰리만 사용할려고했는데, 그것도 정작 안되고,,
오자마자 전화하려고,, 찾았는데, 핸펀 없고, 시계도 잃어버리고,,
싱가폴공항에서 감기도 이빠이 걸리고,,
이번여행.. 파란만장합니다... -
요즘 휴대폰MP3는 시간정보가 필요한것 같더라구요~
음악을 넣으면 유효기간이 나오는데, 보통 1년정도인것 같았습니다.
3G폰은 음악을 들을수 있는데, 일반폰은 안되더라구요~ -
3G폰이 몬가요???
싱가폴 공항에 핸펀도 두고온거 같아서,, 못찾으면,, 번호이동해야할거 같은데,
핸펀 잠깐 알아봤더니,, 뭐가 되게 복잡해서요..
3G폰이 화상폰 말씀하시는건가요???? -
저도 아시아나 마일리지 있는데..,인도네시아행이 없어서 생각도 안하고 있었거든요.싱가폴 경유해서 가면 되겠군요...ㅎㅎ 근데 이코노미도 5만마일 차감하나요?
보통 아시아권은 4만 마일이던데...
근데.., 싱가폴 공항에서 몇시간 체류하나요? 혹시 1일이나 2틀정도 stopover 도 가능한가요? -
전...마일리지 적립해 둔 것이 드문드문...
그냥 나름 선택할 수 있는 항공권중에서 저렴한 항공권을 찾다보니...
가지가지 마일리지들만 적립해서요...
흠...싱가폴항공이야 좋다는 말은 많이 들었으나...
전 그냥 대한항공으로 적립을 시도해 보렵니다...ㅋㅋㅋ...
아니면 어느 분 조언대로 노스웨스트로...ㅋㅋㅋ...
그리고 철저한 휴식을 위한 여행가운데에서는 꼭 무언가 해프닝이 발생하더라구요...
그래도 행복하셨죠???
발리의 에너지로 일상의 고단함(?)을 상충하시길...^^