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발리 & 여행 뉴스
7월 12일 ~ 23일사이 우붓 지역에서 Ubud Festival - "Spirit of Bali Revival"라는 주제로 전시회, 공연등 각종 문화 행사들이 열립니다.

July 12, 2006 – Mask & Wayang Exhibition - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. an opening of the exhibition and performance by I.B. Anom. Location: Kampung Seni Kubu Bingin, Banjar Tegal Bingin Mas, Ubud.

July 13-15, 2006 – Viewing of Auction Items Preceding Art Auction by Larasati of the Works of Balinese Traditional Artists Viewing on Thursday and Friday July 13-14 between 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and on the day of the Auction July 15 between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - Location: Maya Ubud Resort – Ubud

July 13, 2006 – Mask & Wayang Exhibition - 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Cak Rina Kecak Dance Performance. Location: Kampung Seni Kubu Bingin, Banjar Tegal Binging Mas, Ubud.

July 14-23, 2006 – Balinese Traditional Painting Exhibition - "Tradition and Reputation" - Location: Agung Rai Museum (ARMA).

July 14, 2006 – Children Traditional Balinese Dance & Garden Dinner Party - Location: Agung Rai Museum (ARMA).

July 14, 2006 – Book Launching and Arts Awards – "Bravo Bali – Lexicon of 200 Years of Balinese Traditional Painting" and AMEX Art Awards - Location: Agung Rai Museum (ARMA).

July 14, 2006 – Mask & Wayang Exhibition - 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Regog Ponorogo Performance; 6:00 -8:00 p.m. Mask Dance – Tari Topeng Tu Gek Carangsari. Location: Kampung Seni Kubu Bingin, Banjar Tegal Binging Mas, Ubud.

July 15, 2006 – Art Auction by Larasati of the Works of Balinese Traditional Artists - Location: Maya Ubud Resort – Ubud

July 15-16, 2006 – Golden Morning Tour – Free of Charge Sunrise Tour to Traditional Balinese Village and Surrounding Agricultural Lands - Departure at 6:00 a.m.. Location: Departure from Agung Rai Museum (ARMA).

July 15-16, 2006 – Free of charge tour to Jatuluwuh Rice Terraces, Mask and Wayang Exhibition and the Tradition and Reputation Art Exhibition - Departure at 8:00 a.m.. Location: Departure from Agung Rai Museum (ARMA).

July 15-16, 2006 – Free of charge tour to the location of Walter Spies Villa in Sidemen, Mask and Wayang Exhibition and the Tradition and Reputation Art Exhibition - Departure at 8:00 a.m.. Location: Departure from Agung Rai Museum (ARMA).

July 15, 2006 – Mask & Wayang Exhibition - 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Stage presentation of Balinese traditional music performed by I Wayan Sutawa, a child dalang master. Location: Kampung Seni Kubu Bingin, Banjar Tegal Binging Mas, Ubud.

July 16, 2006 – Mask & Wayang Exhibition - 6:00 – 6:45 p.m. A contemporary Wayan Beber performance presented by a child dalang from Malang; 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Cak Rina Kecak Dance Performer. Location: Kampung Seni Kubu Bingin, Banjar Tegal Binging Mas, Ubud.

원문: http://balidiscovery.com/messages/message.asp?Id=3270
  • profile
    escape 2006.07.04 13:45 추천
    개인적으로 ARMA에서 Children Traditional Balinese Dance 같은 것은 정말 한번 보시라고 추천하고 싶습니다(참고로 이런 행사 기간이 아니어도 수시로 합니다).
  • 해운 2006.07.04 17:29 추천
    다음 주 우붓가는데 너무 좋은 정보네요.
  • ineverdog 2006.07.04 18:50 추천
    26일 우붓 예정인데.. 눈물만 뚝뚝 흘릴 정보군요.. emoticon7_40.gif
  • annyka 2006.07.05 00:53 추천
    13일부턴 우붓인데~앗싸~~~
  • 새날 2006.07.05 21:07 추천
    수줍어(?) 맨날 보기만 하다 가만 있을 수 없어서. ^^ 저 annyka님과 마찬가지로 13일부터 우붓이라 앗싸~~~투
  • 풀레 2006.07.06 12:24 추천
    9월초에는 행사가 없나봐여~~ㅠ.ㅠ

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