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Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Bali police recently apprehended three foreign tourists for possessing illicit drugs in an operation dubbed Operasi Antik (Optik) or antique operation held in the capital of popular resort island of Bali, a spokesman said.

The three foreign tourists were identified as American CGH (53), Peruvian LFRC (49) and South Korean PMR (27), Bali police spokesman Senior Commissioner AS Reniban said here Monday.

The police confiscated 52 grams of hashish from the American tourist, 0.4 grams of marijuana from the Peruvian traveler, and 6.1 grams of cannabis from the South Korean tourist.

Reniban said the foreign tourists claimed they were carrying the illicit drugs for their own consumption.

Bali policemen also caught 38 Indonesian drug users in the operation which was held between July 22 and August 10.

"Eight of them were women," he said adding that the police were still questioning the drug ring members.

In general they insisted the illicit drugs were for their own use, Reniban said adding that the drug users did not know each other. (*)


August 14, 2006

원문: http://www.antara.co.id/en/seenws/?id=18305
  • 레이첼 2006.08.16 09:59 추천
    이런일이 있었군요...더구나 한국사람까지...헉...입니다..
  • 야니 2006.08.18 23:40 추천
    딴 얘기지만, 한국 이름 이니셜이 PMR이면 경우의 수가 몇 안될 것 같군요. 익명성이 보장 안되니 외국에선 더욱 조심해야할 듯... ^^;;
  • profile
    escape 2006.08.19 01:46 추천
    아마 지금 갇혀 계실 그분 (사실 발리 크로보칸 교도소가 제가 사는곳에서 약 5분 거리에요. --;;)의 경제력이 받쳐준다면 아마 금방 한국으로 돌아가게 될겁니다. 엄청난 외화 낭비가 되겠죠. 제가 아는 프랑스 60대 노인내는 발리에 산지 6년정도 되었습니다. 그분은 여기 살고 싶어서 오게된 것이 아니라 drug dealing 하다 걸려 50년형 받은 자기 아들을 매일 같이 면회하느라 여기 와서 산다는... --;;

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