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2007.06.14 20:25 조회:3,958
2002년 사리 클럽 테러 사건의 주요 리더였던 Abu Dujana가 체포되었다는 소식입니다.

Indonesian police have arrested the alleged leader of a South East Asian terror group blamed for the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings.

After a blast in 2002
After a blast in 2002

Abu Dujana, Indonesia's most wanted Islamic militant, was detained on Saturday along with seven other suspected terrorists during raids on the main island of Java.

The capture of Dujana, an Afghan-trained militant fluent in Arabic, will be seen as a major victory in the fight against terrorism in Indonesia.

Members of terror group Jema'ah Islamiyah have been blamed for four attacks on Western targets in Indonesia in recent years.

원문: http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1270273,00.html

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