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Gordon_Ramsay 라는 유명 주방장 들어보셨지요? afc 같은 채널에 자주 등장하곤 하던데...

암튼 그 동생(Ronald Ramsay)이 발리에서 헤로인 소지로 잡혔네요.
10년형쯤 받을것이랍니다.

Brother of famous British chef goes on trial on heroin possession charges

DENPASAR (AP): British chef Gordon Ramsay’s younger brother went on trial for heroin possession Thursday - a charge that faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, court officials said.

Ronald Ramsay, 39, sat quietly as prosecutors told the Denpasar District Court that police who searched him outside a supermarket on Indonesia’s resort island of Bali in February found 100 milligrams of the drug in his pocket.

“The defendant had the heroin inside a red Marlboro packet,” Agung Kusumayasa Ciputra said in reading out three pages of charges.

Under Indonesia’s tough drug laws Ramsay could face a maximum 10-year jail sentence.

Traffickers are routinely sentenced to death. At the end of 2006, 134 people were on death row, including 37 foreigners and 97 Indonesians, most of them for drug-related crimes.

Another celebrity connection soon to be joining the other familiar faces in Kerobokan jail.

원문: www.baliblog.com/travel-tips/brother-of-gordon-ramsey-on-trial-in-bali.html

몇일전에 바이스로이 주방장도 마약으로 잡혔는데... --;

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