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발리 & 여행 뉴스
2008.08.21 11:24 댓글:1 조회:2,815
   꾸따 카니발이 금년에는 10월 18일에서 26일까지 열립니다.

  사실 그 동안 엉성한 프로그램 내용이라든가 매끄럽지 못한 진행, 자금 유출 사건등으로
  말들이 많았던 행사이지만 금년에도 다시 열리는군요.

Opening Ceremony - Held on the first day of the event, this day will be marked by a traditional Sekar Jagat dance and "Bali Paddle for Peace" in which 1,000 surfers will take to the ocean to spread flower pedals on the waves. 500 turtles will also be released back into the local seas.

Food Festival - Tentatively set for day 8 and 9 of the Kuta Karnival more than 60 of Bali's best restaurants will set up kiosks along Kuta Beach. A children's play area will be in operation and live entertainment will be on offer from a central stage during these two days when more than 30,000 visitors are expected to attend.

Tebs Shocking Games - Tebs will be offering samples of their beverages and a number of adventure activities including rope climbing and rope games offered under the careful supervision of the professionals from Tree Top Bedugul.

Beach Volley Ball Competitions - Volley Ball competitions between both local and international teams at the competition arena on each day of the Kuta Karnival.

Beach Soccer - Held on "Surf Family Day" informal soccer matches for all those who wish to take part.

Sand Creations - School children will have the opportunity to compete for prizes as they display their ability to build sand-based sculptures.

Life Guard Demonstrations - See life-saving techniques demonstrated by the Kuta Life Saving Association.

Surfing and Body Building - Competitions to be held at “Halfway Point” on Kuta Beach.

Skate Ramp - Bali's landmark skate arena located on the beach will allow everyone a chance to try their skill at skateboarding. Day 3 will be dedicated to a final skate boarding competition.

Tug-of-War- See companies, clubs and community groups compete.

Traditional Dance and Music - Scheduled for every afternoon of the Karnival - a different traditional Balinese dance each day.

Surfer Girl Balinese Dance Competition - Traditional dance competition for children.

Traditional Kite Flying - Scheduled for day 2, some 3,200 kites are targeted to participate. at the Bali Garden Hotel.

Arts Attractions - Alumni from Bali's Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) will perform during the Karnival.

Bali Islamic Festival - Islamic-themed activities will be on offer at the Discovery Shopping Mall.

Beach Stalls - Local merchants and organization offering knowledge and goods from their bazaar stalls stretched along the beach.

Suzuki Music Festival - scheduled for each day of the Karnival, see new products and national bands perform.

IndieFez XL - Sponsored by XL on the music stage, Day 5.

Cardinal Awards - A competition between local bands and models. Winners will compete in Bandung, West Java in a national competition later in the year.

Karnival Parade - Set for the last day of the Karnival in the parade will include decorated floats, roller skaters, cyclists, big bikes, antique cars, gamelan orchestras, and horse-drawn carts.

Jalan Santai - A fun walks by more than 2,000 people through Kuta Beach.

참고: http://balidiscovery.com/messages/message.asp?Id=4696
  • moonhoc 2008.09.19 14:32 추천
    저희 부부가 10월 23-27일 여행 예정입니다.
    좋은 정보 감사합니다.
    카니발 행사중에는 세일도 좀 하겠죠?

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