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2015.11.07 20:02 댓글:6 조회:2,526
2 visit rule은 10일만에 폐기된 정책이라 본문을 삭제합니다.
  • malimali1234 2015.11.07 20:26 추천
    are you sure?
    하다하다 별짓을 다하는군요.......ㅋ
    톨비도 올리고.......ㅠㅠ
  • jmjjj 2015.11.09 09:58 추천
    어~ 자주 여행가주면 감사해야 하는 것 아닐까요?..ㅠㅠ
    가끔 불법으로 있는 외국인도 있겠지만, 대부분 관광객일텐데..
    지난 여행에서 만난 호주인은.... 한달에도 몇번 놀러온다던데..2박 3일로..

  • panvor 2015.11.09 19:46 추천
    확실히 적용되는건가요 ? 저 이달에 가야되는데 ..그러면 올해만 세번째 인데 ..어디서 정확히 확인할수 있는지
  • 발리바다 2015.11.10 09:48 추천
    Bali Immigration to Strictly Limit Visa-Free and Visa-on-Arrival Use by Foreign Visitors to Twice in any 12-Month Period:
    In response to complaints from the Island’s tourism industry made to the Island’s House of Representatives (DPR-Bali) about illegal foreign workers, the head of the Ngurah Rai Immigration office has issued written instructions that will impact dramatically on frequent visitors to Bali.
    Yosep H.A. Renung Widodo’s decree issued to take immediate effect on October 20, 2015 stipulates that visitors to Indonesia utilizing visa-on-arrival or visa-free facilities more than twice in any 12-month period will be denied entry to Indonesia.
    Those wishing to visit more than twice in 12 months should obtain a visa from their nearest Indonesian embassy or Consulate beforehand.
    The decree mentions that foreigners with temporary resident permits (ITAS), permanent residency (ITAP), diplomatic visas, service visas (Visa Dinas) and multiple visit visa will remain unaffected by the new two-visit rule.
    In a general crackdown on foreign nationals working illegally in Bali, Widodo instructs that those discovered to be working illegally should be apprehended and placed on an immigration blacklist barring future visits to Indonesia.

    이런 뉴스를 보았습니다.
    10월 20일 이후 세번째 방문부터 적용되므로 올해 두번 방문한 거는 관계없을겁니다.
    더 자세한 사항은 서울주재 인도네시아 대사관에 알아보시면 됩니다.
  • panvor 2015.11.12 13:08 추천
    대사관에 확인해보니까 중국단체들이 급증하면서 인솔자가 가이드 역활을 하는 경우가 많아서 그랬는데 자카르타 방침상 폐기되었다고 합니다.단 너무 출입국이 잦은 경우에는 입국목적을 확인한다고 합니다 .
  • 발리바다 2015.11.12 14:29 추천
    폐기된 정책이라 본문을 삭제합니다.
    확인해주셔서 감사합니다.
    이제 예전처럼 1년 내 몇번을 방문해도 됩니다.

    In a sudden about-face, Yosep H.A. Renung Widodo, the head of Bali’s Ngurah Rai Immigration Office,has withdrawn a set of instructions mandating strict treatment of foreign tourists who use visa-free or visa-on-arrival facilities.
    The original instruction (W20.FNG.Um.01.01-47774)issued on October 20, 2015 threatened foreign travelers who used visa-on-arrivals or visa-free facilities more than twice in any 12-month period with blacklisting preventing further visits to Indonesia.
    The move was defended by Widodo as a response to numerous complaints received from tourism stakeholder regarding the large number of foreigners working illegally in Bali.
    Strong criticism aimed at Widodo’s instructions from lead elements of Bali’s tourism industry caused the Ngurah Rai immigration chief to quickly issue a second order on October 30, 2015 (W20.FNG.UM.01.4962) revoking his earlier instructions.
    At least for now, visitors to Bali using visa-free or visa-on-arrival can do so as many time as they want within a 12-month period.

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