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2007.08.30 16:35 댓글:3 조회:1,501

For minimum stay of two nights, experience a honeymoon
beyond your imaginations with a very special price!


Komaneka Resort at Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali

Deluxe Room
US$ 465 or Rp. 3.840.000

Suite Room

US$ 549 or Rp. 4.512.000

Pool Villa

US$ 605 or Rp. 4.960.000


Komaneka Resort at Tanggayuda, Ubud, Bali

Suite Room
US$ 549 or Rp. 4.512.000

Courtyard Pool Villa

US$ 605 or Rp. 4.960.000

Valley Pool Villa

US$ 625 or Rp. 5.120.000


Those rates are including:

  • 21 % Government tax and service charge
  • Welcome drink and chilled towel on arrival
  • Tasty daily American Breakfast
  • Once Romantic Candle Light Dinner
  • Once Relaxing Balinese Massage
  • Daily tropical fruits and fragrant flowers in the room
  • Daily afternoon tea served with Balinese cakes
  • Daily homemade cookies
  • Cultural visit to The Neka Art Museum


  • Rupiah Rate is valid for Indonesian citizen or KITAS holder only and includes Return Airport Transfer.
  • High season surcharge of US$35 or Rp. 280.000 (for Indonesian citizen or KITAS holder) per night will be applied for the period of 1 - 31 August and 24 December - 6 January.
  • Guests taking Honeymoon Package in US$ are entitled to VVIP pick up service from the Airport. This service will set you free from long queues of Visa on Arrival and Luggage Claim in the Airport. Komaneka will arrange the service from the closest gate to the aircraft.

코마네카 신행으로 가기 어떤가요?
그리고 이 패키지도 네고 가능할까요?
하루금액인건지 아님 이틀인지...잘 모르겠구요...
아래 내용은 어떤 서비스인지 잘 모르겠어요.~~
  • 와얀 2007.08.30 19:58 추천
    코마네카에 대해 잘은 모르지만
    일단 가격은 스페셜 이라니까 네고 안되구요.
    하루 이용 요금입니다. 적어도 이틀 이상이라는 군요.
    Rupiah Rate is valid for Indonesian citizen or KITAS holder only and includes Return Airport Transfer.
    요건 인도네시아 사람이나 거주비자 소지자만이 루피아로 결재 가능하고 돌아가는 공항 차량무료 제공
    High season surcharge of US$35 or Rp. 280.000 (for Indonesian citizen or KITAS holder) per night will be applied for the period of 1 - 31 August and 24 December - 6 January.
    성수기에는 써비스 차지 $ 35 추가 된다네요 8월 한달과 12월 24일부터 1월 6일까지 적용된다는 말이구요. 이것두 역시 인도네시아 사람이나 거주비자 소지자 면제
    Guests taking Honeymoon Package in US$ are entitled to VVIP pick up service from the Airport. This service will set you free from long queues of Visa on Arrival and Luggage Claim in the Airport. Komaneka will arrange the service from the closest gate to the aircraft.
    요건 허니문의 경우 특별 픽업차량 제공에 뭐 공항내에서 이런거 저런거 도와준다는 내용임
  • joungyi 2007.09.03 21:37 추천
    매번 감사드립니다~~
  • icecream07 2007.09.06 16:42 추천
    와우~ 무지 비싸네요~ 저야머~ 숙박만 하는걸로해서인지 모르지만~요..

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