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발리 & 여행 뉴스
2007.04.30 17:39 댓글:2 조회:2,671
투반 해변에 위치한 발리하이 리조트(리뷰 보기)가 2007년 5월 20일부로 문을 닫는답니다.

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이 리조트가 위치한 부지와 관련하여 문제가 있는 모양이고요.
다시 문을 열지도 확실하지 않다고 합니다.

To Our Valued Guests & Friends,

The news about the upcoming closure of Balihai Resort & Spa took us by surprise and it is with sadness that I am have to announce this information.

Due to totally unforeseen circumstances related with Indonesian law, Balihai Resort & Spa has to close its doors definitely by 20 May 2007, with no certainty to open again.

All 260 employees are being taken care of according to the prevailing Indonesian law and will receive appropriate severance pay.

It is a bitter surprise for me and all our employees and we offer our sincere and deepest apologies regarding this matter.

Our guests and travel partners  have always been good supporters of Balihai Resort & Spa and the comments that we receive are always positive.
We wished we could have continued this relationship longer. In the meantime, rest assured that we will take good care of any guests until 20 May 2007.

Feel free to contact me directly at gm@balihai-resort.com for further information.

Best regards,

Jean-Charles Le Coz
General Manager
Balihai Resort & Spa

참고 링크: balidiscovery.com/messages/message.asp

  • 나야미모 2007.04.30 18:01 추천
    어! 진짜요?
    여기 디게 좋은데~
    바닷가도 바로 옆이고, 손님들도 다 가족단위고, 수영장도 괘안고, 조식도 괘안코...
    왜 닫을까요..
    아웅... 섭하네요...
  • 쵸코우유 2007.05.04 10:25 추천
    으잉!! 진짜요!!!! 저 엄마, 아빠 모시고 5월8일에 발리하이리조트로 들어가는 패키지 가거든요...
    문닫는다고 서비스가 나뻐질까 좀 걱정이 되네요...ㅠㅠ

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